Lost Horizon: James Hilton

Date: 20 August 2014

Venue: Coast, Cambridge

Book score: 11.5

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2 Responses to Lost Horizon: James Hilton

  1. Mr Red says:

    The novel that named a thousand bungalows; not as bad as I expected, and the way it conveys the language and attitudes of single British men building the empire is brilliant, but the plot is very laboured and it certainly doesn’t match up to, say, Kipling or Conrad as an exploration of the stranger shores of empire. The portrayal of a mandarin class of monks sustained by the labour of happy peasants dodesn’t convince.

  2. Mr Orange says:

    This book doesn’t really work now except as an interesting period piece. The lost paradise feels as weird and awkward as the relationships between the central characters who were either unlikeable or dull sometimes both. Given that this was his most famous work, not sure I will be reading anything written by Hilton soon.

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