Biggles – The Camels are Coming by W.E Johns

Date: 11 April 2013

Venue: The Tickell Arms, Whittlesford

Book Score: 11


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3 Responses to Biggles – The Camels are Coming by W.E Johns

  1. Mr Black says:

    A book that was written for children, and probably has not stood the test of time even in that section of the market.

  2. Mr Orange says:

    Possibly too childish for Mr Black but not for me, a Biggles virgin. This is a collection of fast-paced short stories that appeared in print before we all agreed that WWI was really all about bad generals, muddy trenches and loyal horses. The straight-faced Boys Own style is interesting, especially for those of us who only experienced the endless parodies of the writers (Buchan, Conan Doyle, Johns, etc.) who chose to focus on the heroic aspects of the war. Mr Gove would approve.

  3. Mr Red says:

    Great fun – a collection of stories rather than a book in itself. Two-dimensional characters with one-dimensional emotions, and not a trace of Blackadderish irony to be found. The action sequences are convincing and the foreigners of course are all absolute dastards.

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