Thoroughly enjoyable satire on the literary world of Manhattan and its values, a world into which an impostor can enter with ease if he has the right approach: personal experience tells for more than literary talent. I particularly liked the idiosyncratic use of an invented slang vocabulary. But there are problems too: the Romanian girl speaks with a Russian accent, for instance, even though Romanian isn’t even a Slavic language; the situations become more and more improbably until they burst the bounds of credulity altogether.
I’m sorry Mr Red, but I’m going to have to disagree! As I read this book I had a real sense of sadness at the thought of all the potentially good novels that never found their way to publication because this cuckoo had usurped them. How does such a bad book get through the publishing process?
On a more positive note, it was not available on Amazon and it only cost me 34p from a online secondhand bookseller. When the book arrived it was brand new which probably meant that it had been rescued from a large scale paper pulping exercise.
Thoroughly enjoyable satire on the literary world of Manhattan and its values, a world into which an impostor can enter with ease if he has the right approach: personal experience tells for more than literary talent. I particularly liked the idiosyncratic use of an invented slang vocabulary. But there are problems too: the Romanian girl speaks with a Russian accent, for instance, even though Romanian isn’t even a Slavic language; the situations become more and more improbably until they burst the bounds of credulity altogether.
I’m sorry Mr Red, but I’m going to have to disagree! As I read this book I had a real sense of sadness at the thought of all the potentially good novels that never found their way to publication because this cuckoo had usurped them. How does such a bad book get through the publishing process?
On a more positive note, it was not available on Amazon and it only cost me 34p from a online secondhand bookseller. When the book arrived it was brand new which probably meant that it had been rescued from a large scale paper pulping exercise.