A genre defying cult classic, which follows the life of Grenouille – a man with a remarkable sense of smell – as he climbs the slippery pole of the perfume business in 18c France.
This historical crime novel-cum-black comedy, provides a wonderful anti-hero who is simultaneously appalling and appealing. Great ending too.
Foul smelling, unsanitary Paris and its perfume industry are the only remotely believable things in this book. The revolting central character’s purported acute olfactory gift is, quite literally, incredible. Consequently, the story stinks.
A genre defying cult classic, which follows the life of Grenouille – a man with a remarkable sense of smell – as he climbs the slippery pole of the perfume business in 18c France.
This historical crime novel-cum-black comedy, provides a wonderful anti-hero who is simultaneously appalling and appealing. Great ending too.
Foul smelling, unsanitary Paris and its perfume industry are the only remotely believable things in this book. The revolting central character’s purported acute olfactory gift is, quite literally, incredible. Consequently, the story stinks.